Sunday, July 21, 2024



We had made the big move all the way across the country from Florida to San Francisco, California.  There were the six of us including our mother.  My oldest sister, Jane was married and left the family by the time she was 18.

Our mother picked San Francisco to move to in hopes of marrying her new boyfriend she met through the Personal Ads in the newspaper.  That was a long distance relationship and the way some people met in those days. (Unlike the Internet of today's world.)

There were five of us siblings traveling by Greyhound bus for four days with our mother.

There was Elaine, Doug, Daniel, Timmy and myself.

Upon our first arrival in San Francisco we were all awestruck at the sights and newness of everything we had never experienced before.  Our mother grew up in New York, so she was used to a big city.  We came from a small town and a big city was overwhelming to us children.

We needed somewhere to stay and as soon as we left Florida we were homeless.

Back in 1975 I was a young teenager, so I was wanting to play and watch TV; especially cartoons.

At the bus station they had a small office called the Traveler's Aide Society.  My mother had heard of this organization so she inquired about possible assistance they may be able to provide.

They suggested we try the Catholic church and the Nuns might allow us to stay there a few days.

After a tiring, tedious, long walk up and down many hills and blocks we finally found the church.  We were allowed to stay only three days and we had to be out of there from 6 AM to 6 PM each day.  That meant we roamed the streets all day finding places to sit and eat if we could find anything at all because we didn't have money.

After staying the three days we were on the move again.

This time we ended up at the YMCA.  I couldn't imagine the six of us staying there with all of those men.

None of us were happy about it and we were mad at Mommy for bringing us there.  I was extremely angry about everything.

We had no idea how long we would be there. 

While we stayed at the YMCA we found the basement where there was only one TV and rows of chairs for anyone to sit on.

My siblings and I had to go to school so Mommy, somehow managed to enroll us in schools  according to our various ages and grades. 

I was in the Seventh Grade and had to take the city bus to school for the first time ever and I was very afraid of riding with all of the strange people and the crowdedness because I often got bumped into and my feet stepped on.

We got back to the YMCA just in time for The Flintstones to come on TV at four o'clock in the afternoon. 

Doug, Elaine, Daniel and I ran downstairs to the basement to watch TV.  I was not happy when we arrived and found the room full of ugly, old men.  To me all men were old and most of them looked ugly. Many of them were already sitting and watching the news.  (In today's world...OMG!)

The Flintstones were coming on and I wanted to watch The Flintstones.  I stood up to walk to the TV to change the channel.  Before I could move, Doug stopped me and told me to sit down.

He said, "Heather, there are other people in this room and you can't change the channel just because you want to."

That was only the first day so I let them watch the news.  I left the room and went back upstairs to Mommy to complain to her about it.

I'm not quite sure how long we stayed there. 

Every day that we were there we all went down to the basement to watch TV.  Mommy even joined us sometimes.  Timmy didn't go to school yet so she took care of him all day.

I was getting very upset about not being able to watch The Flintstones at all.  One day I snapped!

We went to the basement as usual and of course all the men were watching the news. (Again, in today's times , this is bullshit!)

I wasn't going to let them have their way.  I told Doug, "I'm going up there and changing the channel." "I'm not going to let anyone stop me."

Doug told me to "Shut up, and sit down!  You can't make them change the channel just for you."

I went to the TV.  I changed the channel and a man changed it back.  I changed it again and he changed it back.  This went on for a while.

I yelled, " I want to watch The Flintstones and I am not letting anybody watch the news.  I have a right to watch The Flintstones and you can't stop me!"

Doug tried to get me to sit down.  "Sit down Heather!", he yelled at me over and over again and again.  "I won't sit down.  I'm watching The Flintstones.  It's my turn.", I kept yelling back at him.

The man groaned and gave up and allowed me to change the channel.  Most of the other men were angry; left the room and wanted me to leave.

I was yelling at them all with great determination.  I was going to get my way.  They could all shut up!

In the end, I won and so did The Flintstones.

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