Sunday, November 24, 2024



  It was the second home we rented when we moved from New York to Florida.

 We were trying to settle in a new home in Wanetta and I was only four years old going on five.  I had two brothers.  One was two years older and the other was a year younger.  I had seen my mother's boyfriend who I called Daddy wetting his hair when he combed it.  I didn't know why men wet their hair in the first place to comb it.  I didn't think about it or care. 


        One morning I was going into the bathroom and I saw my two brothers standing in front of the sink wetting their hair and combing it just as a grownup would do.  I asked them why they were wetting their hair and they said because we are boys and that's how we comb our hair.   I could not understand this action at all.  So I went to the sink and wet my hair too and began to comb it.   They said you can't do that you're a girl.   I argued with that fact.  I asked them what why can't I wet my hair and you can?  "You just can't.", they said.

I complained and answered by telling them that when I take a shower my hair is wet and then I comb it.  They still said it isn't the same thing.  You can't wet your hair like us and comb it because we are boys and that is what boys do.  I still came back with that doesn't make any sense if my hair is wet after a shower or if I wet it at the sink to get it combed.

They wanted to keep arguing with me about it but I stood my ground and I knew even at my age I had a valid point and I told them their explanation was stupid.  Well, I could not actually use those words because I didn't have such a vocabulary yet.  I did, however get them to think about what I said.  I knew that I made sense and they had to process my logic. 

I didn't let them get me down and they never stopped me from wetting my hair at the sink again, but I didn't do it unless I felt it was necessary.

I learned later in life that logic goes a long way when other people try to beat it and can't.

I wet because I proved to them that I could.  (A four year old with brilliant thoughts.)





1 comment:

  1. And that is an amazing story I can't wait to hear more from you
